Hey There! I'm Trey.
I am a husband, father, brother, and friend. Texan. Fisherman. Skier. Hiker. Photographer. And a whole lot more.
One of the biggest surprises of my life has to be the journey I am on with my real estate media company, Bywaters Media. I’ve always had fun creating photographs and seeing what you could do with a point-n-click, like timing a friends jump and seeing if you can get a shot of them at the apex. About 15 years ago I bought my first dslr (Canon t2i or 550D) and thought I was going to be the next Ansel Adams. Haha. Wow, do I love his work! But I had obligations and no time other than shooting for fun on vacations.
There was a time I wanted to be an architect and have always enjoyed seeing beautiful homes and buildings. I still like to design house floor plans on graph paper for fun when I get the itch. And all of this led me to look into architecture and real estate photography. I want to see beautiful architecture and create photographs that show it off. Light, design, flow, function, aesthetics. You get the idea.
Bywaters Media is just me for now. I will be the one behind the camera or flying the drone or making the phone calls. It’s what I like to do and I will do everything I can to make your business better through my media.